How to view eBird
reports within the State College Bird Club area, and by extension,
view any circle of eBird
reports on earth.
If you are not familiar with eBird, you can read some introductory
information at
Use the following multi-step procedure to
view the most recent eBird reports from
last two weeks within the State College Bird
Club circle; specifically,
the 25 mile (about 42 km)
radius circle centered at Old Main Building
at University Park, PA. Note that this procedure will show you only the most recent observation of each
species seen in this circle, but will not show all observations seen.
E.g. if there have been 10 sightings of Northern Harriers in the last 2
weeks, this will only show the most recent sighting of the Northern
Note: if the steps are not followed exactly as given, the circle of
results results may not be displayed. In that case, delete the pages or
tabs, and try again from step #1.
1. go to
2. in the section titled “eBird Functions”, click “Sightings”
3. in that new page, under Functions, click “Search”, wait until the
results are displayed below, and then click “Map Results”; or if you only want to read the list of results, you can stop here, and scroll down to see the results.
4. move the cursor to the menu tab “eBird Functions” and select “Map” to create a map with a marker
pointing at Old Main
5. with your mouse, right-click** and
select “Import Search Area” to
create a shaded circle centered on Old Main
6. at a point outside the circle,
right-click** and select “Import
Search Results”
7. you should see a circle of markers
with the letter E. Each one is the location of one or more eBird
sightings. If you click on a marker, it will either display the
sighting data, or it will split into two or more markers.
8. [optional] At the bottom of the
page titled
“eBird Sightings Explorer” is a
list of eBird sighting data in several
columns. The second column is the common name, and the list is
sorted chronologically on the “Date” column. To sort the list on
the Common Name in Taxonomical order,
click on “Add Taxon Seq”
“Functions”, and then click on the word “Sequence” at the top of the
last column.
The multi-step procedure above
results in three
separate webpages. You can use your browser “tabs” to keep all three in
one webpage. E.g., on a Macintosh, at step #1, hold down the Command
key when you click the link, and do the same in steps #2
and #4 when you click "Sightings", and "Map".
This procedure can easily be changed
for any
circle on the globe by
changing the parameters lat (latitude), lng (longitude), daysback, and
distance (km) in the link shown in step #1. For example is for the 10 km circle around the middle
of the lake at Bald Eagle State Park. You can also go to the page
titled “eBird Sightings Explorer”, click the
button Reset, change
various parameters, and proceed from step #3.
For more information about this
procedure and other capabilities, see
Acknowledgement: The basic software
interface that allows the creation of applications (apps) to retrieve
eBird data is provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Using that
interface, Dr. John Smith, a retired Professor at UNC, has developed
the eBird app that he offers on his website The
procedure above uses that app.
** In most cases, when you right-click on your tracking device (mouse,
pad, etc), you will see a list of options. If you do not see a list of
options, you need to use an alternate method. E.g., on a
Mac, hold down the Control Key while you either right-click or