2016 Spring Calendar for meetings and field trips

Further details of all 2016 field trips will be posted to the State College Bird Club listserv group.

Unless otherwise noted, all regular meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room in the Community Building in the Foxdale Village Retirement Community.

Details of local field trips will be announced on the scbirdcl e-mail list.

Regular Meetings:

January 27, 2016 (Wednesday)
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m. Foxdale Village Meeting Room
Program: Our guest speaker will be Tom Pluto who will give a program entitled "Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey (PARS): the third year of a ten-year atlas project.”.

February 24, 2016 (Wednesday)
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m. Foxdale Village Meeting Room
Program: Our guest speaker will be Dr. Jesse Lasky who will give a program entitled "How tropical forest birds respond to human modified landscapes, and some related digressions in tropical plants".

March 23, 2016 (Wednesday)
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m. Foxdale Village Meeting Room
Program: Our guest speaker will be  Dr. Paul A. Bartell who will give a program entitled "Red Eye Flight: New techniques for Exploring the Brain of the Migrating Bird".

April 27, 2016 (Wednesday)
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m. Foxdale Village Meeting Room
Program: Our guest speaker will be Susan Braun who will give a program entitled “Getting to know new areas through birding festivals: Southeast Arizona”.

Winter and Spring Field Trips

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 7:15pm
American Woodcocks in the Scotia Barrens
Meeting place: The road gate (gate #176/25) at the Scotia rifle range (you must enter from the western side of Scotia Barrens, off W. Gatesburg Rd.)
Leader: Diane Bierly
Level of experience: ALL
Terrain: EASY - one small hill, otherwise ground is level
Be prepared: We will be walking in grassy areas so protect yourself from ticks. Binoculars not necessary as the focus will be on listening.
Description: Join Diane for a stroll in the Scotia Barrens at dusk for a chance to hear American Woodcocks. These fascinating, yet often elusive birds are just starting to migrate into our area for the breeding season! In addition, you never know which other species you might hear in this remarkable habitat.

Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 8:00 am to around 11am
Spring Birds of Bald Eagle State Park
Leader: Bob Snyder.
Meeting place: Meet at the rear gravel parking lot at the Milesburg McDonalds. If you are coming, please send email to Bob (his email address is in the listserv article).
Level of experience: ALL - including non-birders and children.
Terrain: EASY - mostly driving to selected overlooks and hotspots.
Be prepared: Bring binoculars,  spotting scope, and/or camera. If anyone has an extra binocular and is willing to share, please bring it along. Dress according to the weather forecast: having an extra layer and a rain jacket along is suggested. Hiking boots are also suggested, as there could be areas of wet or muddy ground..
Description: In mid-April, in an el-Nino/la-Nina year, with a very mild winter and early warm spring,a good possibility exists of having migrating sparrows, early warblers and flycatchers.
Cancellation policy:  In case of bad weather, Bob will send an email via the State College Bird Club listserv to alert participants to changes in plans.

Other Birding Events

Bird Banding Schedule - Spring 2016 
Nick Kerlin, Bander-in-charge
Avian Education Program
The Arboretum at Penn State

Millbrook Marsh Nature Center Events 2016
Tuesdays, March 15, 22 & 29: Introduction to Bird Identification Class from 12:15 – 1:15 PM; registration required
Tuesdays, April 19 & 26, May 3 & 10: Early Morning Bird Walks at 7:30 AM
Saturday, April 30 at 8:30 AM: Birds and Bagels

Migration Morning Bird Walks at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center

PA Society for Ornithology Field Trips
Visit the PSO Website and click on "Field Trips".

2016 Birding Cup
Friday, May 6, 7:00 p.m. - Saturday, May 7, 7:00 p.m.

Previous schedules:

Spring 2015  Fall 2015
Spring 2014  Fall 2014
Spring 2013  Fall 2013
Spring 2012  Fall 2012
Spring 2011  Fall 2011
Spring 2010  Fall 2010
Spring 2009  Fall 2009
Spring 2008  Fall 2008
Spring 2007  Fall 2007
Spring 2006  Fall 2006
Spring 2005  Fall 2005