The 1998 Bald Eagle State Park Christmas Count was held on January 3, 1999. Despite the lousy weather, 14 people in 9 parties were able to cover a good part of the circle. Many waited for the weather to clear in the afternoon before venturing out, which turned out to be a good idea. Listed below are the species seen followed by their numbers in parentheses. Many thanks to the partcipants.
Eugene Zielinski (Compiler for 1998 BESP CC)
Grebe, Pied-billed |
1 |
Heron, Great Blue |
7 |
Swan, Mute |
1 |
Goose, Canada |
27 |
Teal, Green-winged |
1 |
Duck, American Black |
94 |
Mallard |
43 |
Merganser, Hooded |
39 |
Merganser, Common |
64 |
Duck, Ruddy |
1 |
Hawk, Sharp-shinned |
2 |
Hawk, Cooper's |
2 |
Hawk, Red-tailed |
10 |
Kestrel, American |
8 |
Pheasant, Ring-necked |
2 |
Grouse, Ruffed |
2 |
Killdeer |
3 |
Snipe, Common |
1 |
Woodcock, American |
1 |
Gull, Ring-billed |
66 |
Gull, Great Black-backed |
1 |
Dove, Rock |
369 |
Dove, Mourning |
178 |
Owl, Great Horned |
1 |
Kingfisher, Belted |
6 |
Woodpecker, Red-bellied |
13 |
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied |
1 |
Woodpecker, Downy |
27 |
Woodpecker, Hairy |
10 |
Flicker, Northern |
7 |
Woodpecker, Pileated |
6 |
Lark, Horned |
20 |
Jay, Blue |
95 |
Crow, American |
472 |
Raven, Common |
4 |
Chickadee, Black-capped |
101 |
Titmouse, Tufted |
54 |
Nuthatch, White-breasted |
34 |
Creeper, Brown |
6 |
Wren, Carolina |
11 |
Wren, Winter |
4 |
Kinglet, Golden-crowned |
57 |
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned |
4 |
Bluebird, Eastern |
55 |
Thrush, Hermit |
6 |
Robin, American |
385 |
Mockingbird, Northern |
4 |
Waxwing, Cedar |
181 |
Starling, European |
653 |
Warbler, Yellow-rumped |
7 |
Cardinal, Northern |
65 |
Towhee, Eastern |
1 |
Sparrow, American Tree |
342 |
Sparrow, Field |
1 |
Sparrow, Song |
26 |
Sparrow, Swamp |
12 |
Sparrow, White-throated |
114 |
Junco, Dark-eyed |
552 |
Blackbird, Rusty |
31 |
Grackle, Common |
8 |
Cowbird, Brown-headed |
24 |
Finch, House |
25 |
Goldfinch, American |
174 |
Sparrow, House |
157 |
4679 individuals
64 species