24 March 2004
The March meeting of the State College Bird Club was held on March 24. Greg Grove presided in Jim Dunn’s absence. 41 members and guests met at the State College Borough Building at 7:15. The minutes of the February meeting were read by Deb Grove and approved by members. Dorothy Bordner delivered the Treasurer’s Report.
Dorothy Bordner read the checklist: species of birds which were seen between Feb. 27th and and March 4th. 107 birds were seen. Noted birds were white-fronted geese at Colyer, short-eared owl at the airport and a northern shrike continued at BESP/
Mark Larsson informed the group about birding trips he will be leading to the VA capes and DelMarva peninsula in April.
Doug Wentzel reminded the group of the coming Birdathon on May 1 and the North American migration Count on May 8.
Speakers at the April meeting will be Jim Dunn and the MacEachrens and they will present details on their birding trips to Africa.
Bob Mulvihill , the State Coordinator for the second Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas, and Mike Lanzone, assistant coordinators, presented information to the group on the 5 year project.
PA’s first breeding bird atlas has been the model for other state endeavors. The Delorme Gazeteer was selected to grid the state into blocks which would be managed by a regional coordinator and then subdivided into blocks where enlisted volunteers would conduct surveys. The first atlas had more than 2000 volunteers with over 320,000 records. The second ia expected to have greater than 10,000 volunteers with over 1,000,000 records. Volunteers will enter sightings in ebird which will allow an unlimited number of records and access to this database will provide data for education as well as conservation.
This atlas will also focus on specialized surveys for selected species such as nocturnal birds, wetland species, and rare and/or difficult to detect species. Bob also went over the definition for safe dates as well as the code levels for breeding and hemlock association.
Various organizations working together on the project are the PGC, Carnegie Museum, PASDA, PSO, Audubon of PA, Cornell LAB, PSU Cooperative Wetlands project and the Wild Resources Conservation Fund.
Respectfully submitted.
Deborah S. Grove, April 28, 2004