22 September 2004
The September meeting of the State College Bird Club was held on September 22. Greg Grove presided for president Jim Dunn. 25 members and guests met at the State College Borough Building at 7:15. The minutes of the May meeting were read by Deb Grove and approved by members. Dorothy Bordner delivered the Treasurer's Report.
Dorothy Bordner read the checklist: species of birds which were seen between September 1 through September 22. 147 birds were seen. Noted birds were shorebirds on Nixon Road: pectoral, buff-breasted, and white-rumped sandpipers and black-bellied and golden plovers. Many migrating warblers were seen in the Barrens. A Lincoln's sparrow was seen on Stone Mountain.
Upcoming Field Trips will be to Big Flat and the Stone Mountain HawkWatch.
The evening program was presented by Molly Hetrick, supervisor of Millbrook Marsh. A slide show brought the audience up to date on the history and layout of the sanctuary. The Marsh had been utilized as farmland and a pasture for many years. After allowing the area to recover, a wetlands and fen have emerged.
The Marsh with its paths and boardwalks provide visitors with an opportunity to observe marsh birds, animals and plants. Programs for scouts and school children offer educational opportunities for the public.
Future plans are to build a four season building to allow visitors year around as well as a wetlands lab for research.