The January meeting of the State College Bird Club was held on January 25, 2006. President Jim Dunn presided over the meeting at the State College Borough Building at 7:15. The minutes of the December meeting were read by Deb Grove and approved by members. Dorothy Bordner delivered the Treasurer's Report.
The annual manure chase led by Ro Fuller and Mark Henry was announced for February 5.
It was announced that the Game Commission would be adding 200 acres in Scotia Barrens and 100 acres above Howard.
Dorothy Border requested a motion on giving the usual amounts to the Nature Conservancy and Rails to Trails. This was moved and approved by a vote.
A hawk counter will be starting for the Tussey Mountain Spring Hawkwatch and Matt Holley will be watching part time on Bald Eagle Ridge this spring.
Dorothy Bordner read the checklist: 88 species of birds were seen between December 14 and January 25. Birds of note were a snowy owl at various sites along I99, an ovenbird on the Huntingdon CBC, and an evening grosbeak at McAlevys Fort.
Jim Dunn presented a program on Birding in Kazakhstan. He visited the country more than one time as part of the Faculty Exchange Program. Birding was centered around Almaty at the foothills of Tien Shan, a 20,000 mountain. Some noted species were rosy starling, imperial eagle, snowcocks. At Medio at 8000 feet, white-winged woodpeckers were a speciality as well as the Himalayan rubythroat. And many other birds which bridge the Europe and Asia boundary. Jim summed the trip up in a few words: Rare birds, few birders, many challenges.
Respectively Submitted by
Deborah Grove