The February meeting of the State College Bird Club was held on February 22, 2006. President Jim Dunn presided over the meeting at the State College Borough Building at 7:15. 44 members and guests were present. There were a number of first-time attendees who were recognized and introduced. The minutes of the January meeting were read by Deb Grove and approved by members. Dorothy Bordner was not present to deliver the Treasurer's Report.
Greg Grove announced the Early Birds of Huntingdon County field trip is scheduled for March 25.
The next program will be by Dan Brauning on the Peregrine Falcon.
Nan Butkovich read the checklist: 75 bird species were seen between January 26 and February 22. Birds of note are the Snowy owl and the northern shrike at BESP.
Molly Heath brought up a request from Elizabeth Goreham that the Bird Club advise on whether leashed dogs should be allowed in Walnut Springs Park and Thompson Woods. The decision was that leashed dogs would not be a problem.
Wayne Laubscher presented a slide show on Northern owls. He showed pictures of his own as well as some he obtained from other photographers which he had permission to use. Boreal, northern saw-whet, snowy , northern hawk and great gray owls were the species he touched upon in his talk. His presentation was interspersed with anecdotes of trips to Algonquin Provincial Park and Owl Woods on Amherst Isle to see various northern owls. He also presented many facts and statistics on each.
Respectively Submitted by
Deborah Grove