24 Oct. 2007
The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 24 Oct. 2007. 36 members and guests attended; Deborah Grove presided.
Upcoming activities
Bob Snyder will run a field trip at Bald Eagle State Park on 4 Nov.
Nan Butkovich read the September meeting minutes, which were approved. Dorothy Bordner read the treasurer’s report and checklist. Attendees reported 118 species within a 25 mile radius of Old Main since 26 Sept. Species of note included a pair of American Avocets at Bald Eagle State Park.
Debra Grim is replacing Susan Braun as Vice-President for Field Trips.
Aden Troyer, owner of the Lost Creek Shoe Store in Oakland Mills, spoke on birding optics. He began by discussing the differences between poro and roof-prism binoculars and then went on to discuss various aspects of optics as they related to binoculars and spotting scopes. These included depth and field of view, twilight factor, eye relief, focusing and lens coating. Ultimately the best binoculars are the ones that fit your hands and face. He also brought a selection of binoculars and spotting scopes for everyone to examine.
Recorded by
Nan Butkovich, Secretary