12 Dec. 2007
The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 12 Dec. 2007. 28 members and guests attended; Deborah Grove presided.
Nan Butkovich read the October meeting minutes, which were approved. Dorothy Bordner read the treasurer’s report and checklist. Attendees reported 85 species within a 25 mile radius of Old Main since 14 Nov. Species of note included Northern Goshawk.
Upcoming events
Glenn Stauffer, a Masters student in Ecology at Penn State, spoke on “Reclaimed Surface Mines: A Productive Wasteland for Grassland Sparrows”. Grassland sparrows such as Henslow’s Sparrow and Grasshopper Sparrow have experienced significant declines in numbers since 1966. This is due to habitat loss and fragmentation; less than 1% of the tall grass prairies are left. However, reclaimed strip mines, which are generally undesirable habitats for most human activities, have proven to be good habitat for these grassland species.
After the presentation, punch and cookies were enjoyed by all.
Recorded by
Nan Butkovich, Secretary