State College Bird Club
27 February 2008
The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 27 February 2008. Thirty-one members and guests attended; Greg Grove presided in Deb Grove's absence.
Debra Grim (in lieu of Nan Butkovich) read the January meeting minutes, which were aproved. Dorothy Bordner read the treasurer's report and checklist. Attendees reported 86 species within a 25-mile radius of Old Main since 23 January. Species of note included Red Crossbill, American Pipit, and Northern Shrike.
Upcoming events
Dr. Margaret Brittingham, Professor of Wildlife Resources at Penn State, discussed the ecology and management of urban crow roosts. Lancaster, PA, hosts 30,000 crows each winter. Crows begin to migrate into the area in October. Populations peak in December and January before declining in March. Resident crows tend to forage within their relatively small territories, while the migrant crows roam widely each day before returning to the roosts at dusk. There are two major roosts in the area. Harrassment techniques can force the roosts to move, but there is no way to know where they will relocate to. Dr. Brittingham believes that the most effective roost management begins in early fall, before the migrants begin to establish their presence. Harrassment should be maximized in low-tolerance zones, but crows should not be disturbed in other areas where roosting is acceptable. Continued monitoring of roost response to management is essential.
Recorded by
Nan Butkovich, Secretary