State College Bird Club

10 Dec. 2008

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 10 Dec. 2008.  Thirty-two members and guests attended; Deb Grove presided.


Nan Butkovich read the November meeting minutes, which were approved.  Dorothy Bordner read the treasurer's report and checklist.  Attendees reported 92 species within a 25-mile radius of Old Main since 12 Nov.  Species of note included Cackling Goose, Northern Shrike, Orange-crowned Warbler, White-winged Crossbill, and Red Crossbill.

Upcoming Events

       No field trips are scheduled due to the upcoming Christmas Bird Counts.


This program featured members’ photography.  Nine members each presented 5 of their favorite bird photos and discussed why they were favorites.  The presenters were Debra Grim, Nancy Ellen Kiernan, Laura Russo, Ron Crandell, Bob Snyder, Brian Kolar, Nan Butkovich, Jen Lee, Bob Fowles, and Jim Dunn.  Members also had a display gallery of bird photos on exhibit at Foxdale for a week after the meeting.  Afterward, everyone enjoyed punch and cookies.

Recorded by

Nan Butkovich, Secretary