State College Bird Club

29 April 2009

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 29 Apr. 2009.  Forty-seven members and guests attended; Deb Grim presided.


Nan Butkovich read the minutes.  Dorothy Bordner read the treasurer's report and checklist.  Attendees reported  ___  species within a 25-mile radius of Old Main since 26 March 2009.  Species of note included Tree Swallow, Greater Scaup, Black-crowned Night-heron, Sandhill Crane, Wilson’s Snipe, Blue-winged Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.


•    The Board met to discuss dues increases.  The Board proposes that the membership dues be raised to $15/year for an individual, $25/year for a couple, and $40/year for Supporting members.  A motion was made, and the membership present voted to accept the proposed dues increases effective with the 2009-10 year.
•    At its meeting the Board also decided at a Membership Chair was needed.  The membership present at the club meeting also agreed to accept that change to the officers.
•    A new slate of officers had to be voted on as well.  The new officers include:
o    Deborah Grove, President
o    Roana Fuller, Vice-president for Programs
o    Debra Grim, Vice-president for Field Trips
o    Treasurer, Dorothy Bordner
o    Secretary, Nan Butkovich
o    Membership Chair, Greg Grove

Upcoming events

•    The Bird Club’s May picnic will be held at Donna Kempf’s apartment on 27 May.
•    The North American Migration Count will be held 9 May.
•    Shaver’s Creek Birding Cup will be held 1-2 May.  The Native Plant Society will have their spring sale the same weekend.
•    PSO is the third weekend.


Don Bryant spoke on (Mostly) Raptors of the Western US, which focused on Washington, Idaho and Montana.  In addition to discussing the distribution of the various raptors, he also talked about some of the principle prey species, such as Richardson’s Ground Squirrel, Ring-necked Pheasant, Hungarian Partridges, and Rattlesnakes.

As an extra bonus, Don covered in detail the plumage differences at different ages Bald Eagles.  He also covered some tips for identifying Ferruginous Hawks and separating Harlan’s Hawks from Western Red-tails.

Minutes taken by Nan Butkovich, Secretary