State College Bird Club

27 January 2010

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 27 Jan. 2009.  Thirty-nine members and guests attended; Deb Grove presided.

Dorothy Bordner read the Treasurer’s Report, and Nan Butkovich read the minutes.  Dorothy also read the checklist.  Attendees reported  xxx species within a 25-mile radius of Old Main since 9 Dec. 2009.  Species of note included Golden Eagle, Long-eared Owl, Gray Catbird, and Killdeer.

•    Book for Foxdale Library in memory of Lois Braun will be presented at the next meeting
•    There will be a gift in memory of Ed Budd given to Millbrook Marsh Nature Center
•    Young Scholars Charter School is looking for someone to help with the Science Olympiad students at the school

Upcoming events
•    23 Feb.: Owling at BESP
•    24 Feb.: Jason Hill will talk about habitat limitations on Sharp-tailed Sparrows
•    28 Feb.: Public meeting on Rockview property

Greg Grove gave a presentation on birding in western Nebraska.  The western half of the state is primarily semi-arid and arid, and is sparsely populated.  Some of the species found in the Sandhills include Western Meadowlark, Upland Sandpiper, Grasshopper Sparrow, and the number one Buteo, Swainson’s Hawk.  In the lake district, American White Pelican, Burrowing Owl, Wilson’s Phalarope, and a variety of waterfowl are found.  The Niobrara River Valley on the northern edge of the Sandhills is home to a variety of warblers, Blue Grosbeak, Cliff Swallows, Cordilleran Flycatchers, and Black-billed Magpie.  Notable species In the area around  Lake McConaghey include Mississippi Kite, Western Grebe, Sandhill Crane.
Minutes taken by Nan Butkovich, Secretary