State College Bird Club

28 April 2010

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 28 April 2010.  Forty members and guests attended; Deb Grove presided.

•    Nan Butkovich read the minutes.
•    Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s report.
•    She also read the checklist. ___ species have been reported since 24 March within a 25-mile radius of Old Main.  Species of note included Cattle Egret, White-winged Crossbill, and Caspian Tern.

•    There are still some Hawk Watch t-shirts available for sale. 
•    The new edition of Birds of Central Pennsylvania has been published.  Contact Greg Grove or Nick Bolgiano regarding copies.
•    The Eagle Scout project at Centre Wildlife Care continues.  The roof and siding have been added to the raptor rehabilitiation building.

Upcoming events
•    The Shaver’s Creek Birding Cup will be held 30 Apr.-1 May.  There are at least three local teams:  the Huntingdon Hawkeyes, the Red-rumped Irruptives, and the Marsh Wrens.  The money raised goes to Shaver’s Creek.
•    The Native Plant Society will host their spring plant sale on 1 May at Rhonymeade.
•    PSO is the weekend of 15 May at Erie.

Bob Snyder gave the presentation this month, speaking on the birds of South Africa and Mozambique.  He was mostly in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, which is primarily savannah habitat, while his work area in Mozambique was more tropical.  He discussed a wide range of species, including the Crowned Lapwing, Black-shouldered Kite, Cardinal Woodpecker, Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, White-fronted Bee-eater, and the Cape Turtle Dove.

Minutes taken by Nan Butkovich, Secretary