State College Bird Club

27 October 2010

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on 27 October 2010.  Thirty-two members and guests attended; Greg Grove presided.

•    Nan Butkovich read the minutes.
•    Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s report.
•    She also read the checklist.  142 species were reported as having been seen within 25 miles of the Penn State campus since 27 Sept.  Species of note included Surf Scoter, Northern Goshawk, Virginia Rail, and Pine Siskin.

•    Greg Grove reminded everyone that annual dues are due.
•    Copies of Birds of Central PA are still available.  See Greg Grove or Nick Bolgiano.
•    Checklists are also available.

Upcoming events
•    Next meeting: 17 Nov. – Program on birds of the Galapagos Islands.

Wayne Laubcher spoke on “Autumn Jewels: Vagrant Western Hummingbirds.”  Late October to early December is prime time for vagrant western hummingbirds.  They often stay well into January.  Although the most frequently reported vagrant is the Rufous Hummingbird, others that have been reported in Pennsylvania include Calliope and Allen’s.  Other vagrants reported in the eastern US include Black-chinned, Broad-billed, Anna’s, Green Violet-ear, Green-breasted Mango, Broad-tailed, and Buff-bellied. 

Three possible causes for the “lost” hummingbirds:  faulty migratory genetic programming, they’ve always been here but are noticed more due to more feeders being left out later, and environmental changes.  Most that are found in the northeast are probably migrating to wintering grounds in the southeastern US.  They tend to be cold tolerant and are able to put on extra fat.

Minutes taken by Nan Butkovich, Secretary