State College Bird Club

April 25, 2012

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on April 25, 2012.  Nick Kerlin presided.



In keeping with new by-laws, elections were held for President, VP Programs, Secretary, 2 members at large – odd-numbered years (April  election, they will serve one year).
Those elected were:

President –Nick Kerlin
VP Programs – Roana Fuller
Secretary - Ron Crandall
Member at large – Deb Grove, Nick Bolgiano

 VP Field Trips, Treasurer, 2 members at large – even years (they will serve two years).
Those elected were:

VP Field Trips – Joe Verica
Treasurer – Dorothy Bordner
Members at large – Greg Grove, Bob Fowles


Program presented was "Habitat Associations of Farmlands Birds + the Joys of eBird" by PSU grad student Drew Weber.

Informal minutes submitted by Nick Kerlin based on recollection after the meeting.