State College Bird Club
September 26, 2012
The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on September 26,
2012. Approximately 35 members and guests attended, including two
first-time visitors. Nick Kerlin presided.
• The minutes of the April 25 meeting were read.
• Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s report.
• Greg Grove read the checklist of species seen since
September 1. Notable species reported were Yellow-throated, Mourning,
Connecticut & Orange-crowned warblers, American Bittern, and
American Golden-Plover.
• Nick reminded members that dues of $15 per member
or $25 per family are payable for this year. See Megan Orient, our
membership person, to pay dues or become a member.
• Field Trips – Joe Verica reported that Alex
Lamoreaux was leading a hawkwatch trip to Jo Hayes Vista (Oct. 6), and
that there were possible field trips to Toftrees in October and BESP in
• Bird banding at the Arboretum will continue until October 25 (got some nice press coverage!).
• Friday bird walks also continue at the Arboretum until October 12.
Upcoming events
• October 24 -- State College Bird Club meeting: Dr.
Mary Poss, Professor of Biology and Vet and Biomedical Sciences, who
will give a program entitled “The Amazing Bird Diversity in South
Nan Butkovich and Nancy Ellen Kiernan presented a program on birding
Glacier National Park and Northwest Montana. Nan, Nancy Ellen, Roana
Fuller, and Jenn Lee visited NW Montana during June 5-13, 2011. Their
presentation covered 6 areas they visited including East & West
Glacier National Park. Kalispell was the home base for their trips.
They had a great time, and recorded 158 bird species, including
Longspurs, White Pelicans, and Trumpeter Swans. They also recorded 20
mammal species.
Minutes taken by Ron Crandall.