State College Bird Club
December 12, 2012
The State College Bird Club met on December 12 at Foxdale Village with
42 members and guests present. Four people were first-time visitors.
Club president Nick Kerlin presided.
- The minutes of the November 14 meeting were read.
- Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s Report.
- Roana Fuller spoke on the upcoming January meeting program.
- Joe Verica reported on upcoming field trips and explained what a “manure chase” was.
Other Business
- The Club sent a letter to the PA Game Commission urging
their action on listing three bat species (northern long-eared,
tri-colored and little brown) as endangered and to take conservation
action to protect these species whose populations have drastically
- Attendees were urged to participate on a Christmas Bird Count this year.
- The Club will work with Wiscoy Pet Foods, State College, PA on a
“Bird Day” in March or April at the store to promote birding and
conservation. Members will man a table and volunteers are needed.
- The list of birds seen since the last meeting was called with
discussion made on the location of crossbills and apparent movement out
of the area of Pine Siskins and Evening Grosbeaks. Numbers may increase
again as winter progresses.
Dr. Kelli Hoover, Penn State professor of entomology gave a presentation on the Wooly Adelgid and its effect on PA Hemlocks.
Submitted by Nick Kerlin, President.