State College Bird Club

February 27, 2013

The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on February 27, 2013.  Approximately 40 members and guests attended, including four first-time visitors. Nick Kerlin presided.

•    The minutes of the January 13th meeting were read.
•    Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s Report.
•    Nick Kerlin noted that election of officers will take place at the April meeting, and that one more person was needed for the nominating committee.
•    Nick also noted that an additional volunteer was needed the for the “Bird Day” to be held at Wiscoy Pet Foods on March 9th.
•    The Bird Club’s board had proposed the purchase a projector to be used for meeting presentations.  Nick requested a motion to formalize the purchase. The motion was made and passed for a suitable projector with a purchase price up to $1500.
•    Greg Grove read the checklist of species seen within 25 miles of Old Main since January 13. Some species mentioned included common and hoary redpolls, a continuing Oregon Junco, White-winged Crossbills, and a Trumpeter Swan.

•    Chad Kauffman is coordinating a field trip to the Tussey Mountain Hawkwatch on March 10th for the Pennsylvania Society of Ornithology.  State College Bird Club members were also invited.
•    Other Field Trips – Joe Verica said there would tentatively be a bird club trip to Bald Eagle State Park for late March, and the date would be announced on the mailing list.

Upcoming events
•    None

The evening’s presentation was by Dr. Paul Bartell, Penn State Assistant Professor of Avian Biology.  His talk was entitled "Biological Clocks and Bird Migration".

Submitted by Ron Crandall, Secretary.