State College Bird Club
January 28, 2015
The State College Bird Club met at Foxdale Village on January 28,
2015. Approximately 30 members and guests attended, including two
first-time visitors. Diane Bierly presided.
• The minutes of the December 10 meeting were read.
• Dorothy Bordner presented the Treasurer’s Report. The checking account balance was $1711.34.
• Ro Fuller said the next meeting would be February
25, and that the program would be by Kathleen Kolos who will give a
program entitled “Examining the Breeding Ecology of Northern Saw-whet
Owls in Three Study Regions of Pennsylvania."
• Diane Bierly said she was hoping to lead an owling outing sometime near the end of February.
• Diane read the checklist of species seen within 25 miles of Old Main since December 10th.
• A Winter Raptor Survey primer session will be held at Shaver’s Creek on January 29.
The evening’s program was presented by Bob Snyder who gave a
presentation on the Birds of South Africa. He took working trips
there between 2012 and 2014 as part of a worldwide research effort at
the Ukulima Root Biology Center to grow drought resistant crops.
Bob visited a farm and several national parks where he saw and
photographed birds. At Marakele National Park, which is a mountainous
area, he also saw a number of large mammals, including the plains
zebra, warthog, waterbuck, and giraffe. As for birds, he saw many types
of buntings and a Black-shouldered Kite there. Another particular good
location for birding was the Pilanesberg Game Reserve in the NW
Province, which is an old crater. Birds seen and photographed there
included a number of shrike species and the Kori Bustard. He also saw
an African Wild Dog, which is very rare, and White Rhinoceroses,
hippos, and baboons.
Submitted by Ron Crandall, Secretary.