State College Bird Club
January 27, 2016
State College Bird Club
Minutes for 27 January 2016
The State College Bird Club met the evening of 27 January2016 at
Foxdale Village. Thirty-two members and guests were present. Diane
Bierly presided. There was no Secretary’s report, but Dorothy Bordner
gave the Treasurer’s report. There was no listing of upcoming field
trips. Greg Grove read the checklist; 104 species were reported.
Rarities included the continuing Western Tanager.
The next meeting will be held 24 February and will feature Jesse Lasky,
who will speak on the reactions of tropical birds to human impacts on
the environment.
The speaker this month was Tom Pluto, who discussed the 3rd
Pennsylvania Reptiles and Amphibians Atlas Survey, which is starting
the fourth year of a ten year project. Reptiles and amphibians are
important because they represent a greater portion of the biomass than
all other vertebrates combined. They are also important cogs in the
food chain, and a high representation of them in a habitat usually
indicates a healthy landscape.
Minutes taken by Nan Butkovich