State College Bird Club

April 24, 2019

State College Bird Club Meeting, April 24, 2019 Millbrook Marsh Nature Center

Presiding: Doug Wentzel

Recording: Doug Wentzel (Secretary not in attendance).

Checklist:  The list included the last four weeks to today: March 28th up to and including today within a 25-mile radius.

Treasurer report (Jean Miller): Deposited to account, $715.00 and paid out $1050.00 for the Tussey Mountain Spring Hawk Watch.

Old Business: 

Update from Tussey Mountain Spring Hawk Watch, from Gary Palmer. Gary noted season highlights of 1087 Broad-winged Hawks and 147 Golden Eagles.

New business/announcements:

Birding Cup, call for volunteers to help at the finish line, May 4th at 6 pm.

Native Plant Sale this Saturday at Shaver’s Creek.

April Elections of officers. Nominating committee of Jen Lee, Betsy Manlove and Jon Kauffman. Elections were held for four of the Club’s officers, who will serve two-year terms. Those nominated and elected were: Doug Wentzel for President (continuing); Peggy Wagoner Saporito for Secretary; Joe Gyekis for VP for Programs (continuing); Nick Bolgiano and Susan Braun for Members at Large (both continuing).

Speaker: Brian Shema, "Chimney Swift Towers".

Tonight's speaker, Brian Shema, Operations Director for the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania. Brian shared with us natural history of chimney swifts, the bird's declining numbers (68% since 1970) and the Audubon Society’s Chimney Swift Tower Initiative.  Working with Eagle Scouts and others, almost 150 towers have been installed in Western Pa. Latest results showed that 11% of the towers were occupied, but Brian hopes that over time that number will increase.