State College Bird Club
September 25,
State College Bird Club Meeting (SCBC), September 25,
2019 Millbrook Marsh Nature Center
Presiding: Doug Wentzel
Recording: Peggy Wagoner Saporito
(First meeting of 2019/2020; Lots of news to report)
Attendance: 41
Checklist: The list included the last four weeks: August
26th up to and including today within a 25-mile radius. A good
mix of summer residents and fall migrants gave us a total of 142
species recorded.
Treasurer report (Jean Miller): Checking account total:$2,290,
Saving account total: $18,567
Upcoming Field Trips/Activities:
Walk at ChicoryLane
Farm This Saturday, September 21, 2019 (7:30 am-10
am). Leaders: Joe Gyekis and James Lesher.
Bald Eagle Hawk Watch, Saturday October 5, 2019 (10 am-2 pm with
option to leave early). Join Jon Kauffman and Susan Braun
for an opportunity to enjoy migrating raptors and songbirds at
this newly opened hawk watch location that will only be
available to visitors during this fall migration season.
Big Sit: Sunday October 13, 2019. Join participants on the
board walk at Shavers Creek Environmental Center any time during
the day or evening to observe all of the bird activity (and
other wildlife).
Fall Hawk Watch News:
Nick Bolgiano discussed the Bald Eagle Mountain Hawk Watch, a
special one season project. The request was granted for $1000
from the SCBC savings account to support this effort.
Kaitlin McGee is our official Bald Eagle Mountain Hawk Watch
counter for this fall migration season. She comes to us from
California with previous raptor migration experience and is
excited to be in Pennsylvania for the first time.
This fall SCBC is sponsoring four (4) different hawk watch
locations, three of which have full-time counters throughout the
fall migration season. Season totals at these locations have
been impressive so far, primarily Broad-winged hawks:
Jacks Mountain: 6306 Total: 5968 Broad-wings
Stone Mountain: 4022 Total: 3751 Broad-wings
Bald Eagle Mountain: 4247 Total; 3994 Broad-wings
Jo Hayes Lookout is sporadically monitored
Visitors are welcome anytime at any of these locations.
Old Business:
An update on proposed development that would negatively impact
Old Crow Wetland was given by Greg Grove. He encourages anyone
interested to attend Huntingdon monthly township meetings;
contact Greg for more information
New business/announcements:
Congratulations! to Nick Bolgiano who was honored with the Poole
Award by the Pennsylvania Ornithological Society for a lifetime
of outstanding contributions to understanding birdlife in
Pennsylvania. (Now we have 2 award recipients represented on the
SCBC board; Greg Grove received the award in 2018.)
Doug made a number of requests for help on a variety of Bird
Club activities. If you are willing to help or have ideas,
please contact Doug Wentzel at:
• Anyone interested in
leading bird walks at Millbrook Marsh Nature Center?
• Anyone interested in
helping SCBC with FaceBook presence?
• The need to update the
State College Bird Checklist to reflect current taxonomy and to
replenish the dwindling supply was discussed. SCBC could partner
with other organizations such as Millbrook Marsh to print and
distribute new checklists.
• We need help with a SCBC
membership survey regarding our meeting venue, field trips,
other ideas.
• Interested in being an
event coordinator for our May potluck? Ideas such as a photo
contest at the potluck were mentioned at this meeting.
Speaker: Ian Gardner, "Confusing Fall Warblers".
We were treated to a variety of great fall warbler photos and
many tips on how to distinguish those confusing fall warbler.
Ian also touched on ideas of how we can help warblers by
planting native plants in our yards as well as discussing
warbler behavior and migration routes. Having grown up in State
College, attending Penn State, and working with Wildlife and
Fisheries in Fort Indiantown Gap, Ian shared with us his
favorite local birding spots (Scotia Barrens, Old Crow Wetland
and even the grounds of the abandoned PA State Lunatic Hospital
in Harrisburg). Thanks Ian!